sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Poesia e Sabedoria


O novo Luiz de Bras-mões

Inflação é fogo! E arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói e bem se sente;
É um descontentamento permanente;
É dor que desatina e faz doer.

É aumentar serviços públicos p’ra valer
É andar a enganar a toda a gente
É um nunca para, tão indecente
É só político a ganhar, povo a perder.

É inflacionar tudo por vontade
 De servir-se e nunca ser servidor
É p'ró povo covarde deslealdade

Mas como podem ter nosso favor

Se em nossos bolsos a iniquidade

Nos faz sentir que deles só vem horror ?

(no original... inglês)

The Liberal Northerner's son graduated from college and was offered a good job, but it was in the Deep South.
 Dad, a liberal Democrat, was worried  about his son going off to such a strange land and he warned him to  avoid entanglements with southern women.
"They can't cook the kind of food we northerners eat, they won't keep the house clean, they don't like sex, and if you marry one, she'll call you a  “ Damn Yankee the rest of your life.”
After a few months, the son telephoned Dad and told him he had just met a wonderful Southern girl,  and thought he was in love with her.  Dad repeated his  warnings about Southern women and their shortcomings.
After another couple of months, the son called Dad and told him he and his Southern girl were getting married.  Dad just moaned and groaned and repeated his warnings.
Two more months go by and son  telephones Dad ... "Dad, you were wrong. My wife is a great cook, keeps the house neat as a pin, and she absolutely loves sex."
Dad responded, "Well, what about the fourth thing -- her calling you a Damn  Yankee?"
"Oh, we reached an agreement on that. She won't call me a 'Damn Yankee',  and I won't call her a “Nigger”. 

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